2022ObituariesJames Bradley Boring

February 10, 2022by SealeUser19

September 2, 1966 ~ February 8, 2022

James Bradley Boring, 55, of Baton Rouge, LA, passed away Tuesday, February 8, 2022. Brad was an avid hunter and fisherman and loved the outdoors. He also had a very creative side that he loved to share with his family and friends. He could make the most innovative things from wood design to turtle shell lamps and floral arrangements to any object placed in front of him. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, son, brother and friend and will be missed by all who knew him. Visitation will be held at Seale Funeral Home, Denham Springs, Saturday, February 12, from 12 p.m. until service at 2 p.m. Burial will follow in Plains Memorial Cemetery, Zachary. He is survived by his wife, Ann Sardisco Boring; children, Hunter Boring, Chance Boring, Landon Boring, Brianna Boring and her son, Brennan; stepchildren, Lauren Naquin (Alex) and their daughter, Sophia, Joshua Sardisco; parents, James W. and Faye Ellen Boring; sisters, Gina Boring and her children, Taylor, Hank, and Sarah Ellen, and Angel Boring Sharp (Ken) and their children, Chase, Kendoll, Nathan, and Cruz; as well as many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his brother, Lawrence Jason Boring. Please share your condolences at www.sealefuneral.com.




  • John & Lisa Powers

    February 15, 2022 at 9:12 pm

    Dear Boring Family,

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Brad was a friend to me in high school and was always a very nice and gracious person. I haven’t seen nor talked to him in almost four decades but I still remember him and his sisters very well. I hate to see people this young die but I have noticed a general trend that after you reach the age of 40 there really is no guarantee how much longer you may live.


  • Jane and Weldon Gordon

    February 13, 2022 at 10:06 pm

    We are so very sorry to hear about Brad. Angel, just know that you and your family are in our hearts and orayers. Please give your Mom and Dad a big hug for us. Love you. Jane and Weldon Gordon❤️


  • London Welch

    February 13, 2022 at 4:21 pm

    Brad and I met when I was 15 years old, he was one of my first boyfriends, what I loved the most was his sense of humor. He kept me laughing anytime I was around him. He loved to hunt and fish even as a teenager. Brad was a good young man and he never followed after anyone, he was a leader. He would have guys in school asking him to take them fishing and hunting and Brad was happy to do it. He loved the outdoors. We kept in touch over the years and then married in 1994. Brad blessed me with two boys that he and I both adored. Chance the oldest is now 23 and he is such a great man, he works hard like his dad and loves to hunt and fish, just like his dad. Landon is the youngest he is 16 and he is the spitting image of his father, Landon loved to collect things with his dad like coins and old bottles, any antiques amongst many other rare things that they could find. Chance worked with his dad for a couple years and learned a lot from him in the pawn business. I’m happy for what Brad taught our boys and I’m blessed to have them Brad will guide them through their lives and he will be here for them to be sure they are safe. I just know it. I’m so released to know Brad is in heaven and will be with us every step of the way. I do want to say that Brad and my brother Brandon were very close and he would take my brother fishing with him all the time. My brother Brandon was only 10 and Brad was 19. Brad still spent quality time with him and taught my brother a lot about having clean honest fun I know he made an impact on his life and made my brother so happy. They would grow up to be fathers and would spend a lot of time at the camp that we shared. There were many memories at that camp for my kids and my brothers son and Nathan, Brads nephew. It was always fun and full of laughter and joking the entire time. Those are the memories I would like to remember of Brad and our family. Brandon loved him like a brother and always will. He will be missed by so many.


  • The Brabham’s

    February 13, 2022 at 1:32 am

    We are so sorry for your loss.
    Brad was such a cool guy, so cool that my brother and I named our Golden Lab (Brad) after him when we were kids. We will be praying for the family.


  • Janet king

    February 12, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    We loved the Boring Family, who was anything but boring, while you were in Waco so many years ago!
    So glad that Steve and Jana kept the connection going through the many years you have been gone!
    Steve’s tribute to Brad was a tearjerker. Thankful that he and Brad had that enduring relationship, through Jesus!
    Much love to all of you!
    Larry and Janet king


  • Chase Sharp

    February 12, 2022 at 3:08 pm

    My Uncle Brad was one of the funniest and most entertaining people to be around. I remember he took me fishing one time at his camp on the river and we went out on the boat one night to go pull the jug lines where we had caught catfish. While we were speeding down the river I was sitting in a chair on the front of the boat and we could see fish big and small jumping out of the water all around. While we were riding to our destination all of the sudden a big Chinese Carp jumped out of the water and hit me square in the chest knocking me out of my chair and onto the floor of the boat. At first I was shocked but when I turned to look at my Uncle Brad I could see and hear him doing his cackling and contagious laugh at which point I busted out laughing too. Still confused and amused I yelled out and asked, “what was that?” Still laughing close to tears he said, “you just got torpedoed!”
    That’s the best memory I have with my Uncle Brad and I still remember it like it was yesterday. There was never a dull moment with him and he will be dearly missed.


  • Debbie Graves

    February 12, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    Jim and Faye Boring are precious people. We love them and so we love their family. Our prayers are for the families during this time of mourning Brad. We pray that all stop to see our time here is short and fleeting. My family has been taught so much from this special couple. The Lord has blessed us by loving them and them loving us. Truth and love have always been their treasure. And it is real hard to talk about anything else except our Lord Jesus Christ. Look to Jesus, He is our Redeemer and only hope. Reading this morning brought me to these words in Scripture. The book of Ecclesiastes is full of looking at life. The last paragraph sums all up “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to everyone.”
    We love you both, Mr. Jim and Mrs. Faye. May the Lord comfort you both.


  • Crystal Morales Anthony & Anthony Fly

    February 12, 2022 at 5:32 am

    Brad Boring You Are Going to Be So Missed!! Thank you for being the kind, helpful, genuinely loving soul with a heart of gold!! Thank you for so many years of friendship and I feel very honored to have been able to consider you family, not just a friend. You always focused on doing whatever you could for others before yourself. I am forever grateful for you helping me find the financial means to keep my daughter in the hospital when they wanted to transfer her out, you helped save her life. You did some truly amazing work and I am sure gonna miss your jokes. Sincerest condolences to your family as you will always be a hero to me and my family. Rest In Peace Brad


  • Sharon E.

    February 11, 2022 at 4:29 pm

    To the family I extend my sincere condolences on behalf of my family. I had prayed and talked with Brad numerous times in the last couple of months, he was a generally good person. We touched and agreed on many subjects and I expressed to him to call me any time of the day or night as needed. Rest in Peace Brad🕊❤


  • Aeraj Shah

    February 11, 2022 at 3:50 am

    My condolences to Boring family. You all are in my prayers during this tough and testing times.


  • Dixie Cartet

    February 10, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    Our prayers are with Brad’s loved ones.
    Dixie and Jim.


  • Jennifer Welch

    February 10, 2022 at 3:07 pm

    Brad, I will always remember you as the most funny person I know you definitely passed that trait down to Landon (son) he always puts a smile on my face anytime I’m around him! Lord your genes are so strong I see you when I look at any one of your kids! You taught me how to go frogging how to fish. You always had these hidden fishing spots all around I swear you were the human fish finder for sure! I will miss you and everyone who knew you will always have a place in their hearts for you…. God took home one of the greats, we don’t know his plans but when he’s ready for one of his children he just takes them on home. I’ll see you again up there one day! I’ve got so many things to say to you I wish they had a phone in heaven, God took you home too early… I know we have to trust his plan and that’s just what I’m gonna do, you’ll live on in so many memories so many stories. From here on out as the aunt to your children I promise to be involved in their lives forever to help guide them and love them and share all those good stories I have of you to keep your memories alive.❤️✝️


  • Steve Bridges

    February 10, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
    Brad was most assuredly my friend and brother. The verse says “at all times” and forever is one of those times. Years and distance never diminished our friendship which was from the heart and it never will. I could write a novel about the times and fun we shared growing up in Waco. Sometimes, I tell my children or others some of the stories about Brad. Quite often in mid-story, I think to myself “These people must be thinking I am the biggest liar they have ever heard.” If I wasn’t there to witness these “events”, I wouldn’t believe them myself. Brad had such a way that inconceivable things, extraordinary incidents and miraculous acts of God’s grace and mercy were the norm. I don’t think it is possible to exaggerate him. You had to be there…
    Brad was the funniest person, bar none, that I have ever known. Many times he made me cry laughing. He was competitive to the core. He was quick to call out any perceived injustice.
    A couple of years ago we reconnected and spoke by phone calls and messages. The calls would go on for hours going down “memory lane” and talking about his present life. Another thing about my friend, he was brutally honest. He hid nothing about his life when we spoke. He spoke of the good, the bad and the ugly equally. He owned his wrongs and was very understanding of the reasons why some of the relationships in his life had evolved as they had. He did not “shade” the conversations in his favor but rather just the opposite.
    Brad spoke of his parents and how much he really loved them. He spoke of how God had given him Ann and how precious she was to him. But, most of our conversations ended up talking about the Lord. He was quite the “changed” person due to the Lord’s work of love in him. Brad knew his health was not good but he spoke of it without fear of death. He knew, believed and emphatically expressed his faith in God’s love and complete care of him.
    Rather than tell you any of “my” stories I lived out with Brad, like you would believe them anyway, I would just like to say one thing. In all of our years and adventures together, he never did an un-loving or mean-spirited thing to me. We fought a million times, he shot me with a BB gun and ran away laughing times without number, he did a million other things that only he, the Lord and I know…. but he loved me, and he told me that at the end of every one of our phone calls. And I loved and will always love my friend, James Bradly Boring. There will never be another.
    I long for the day when I will see him again in heaven.
    I love you, Brad.


  • Jim

    February 10, 2022 at 2:34 pm

    Brad loved his family and his outdoor hunting & fishing. But Brad also loved his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He told me how he enjoyed watching the sun rise and set in the woods. He loved making thing out of wood,”& old shells . He would pick wild flowers and put them in vases and give them to people. We will miss you and love you so much.


  • The Russell girls

    February 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Sending condolence to the family.


  • Mr.Jim

    February 10, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    Brad loved his family and the outdoors but what he love the most was his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  • Ken Sharp

    February 10, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    Brad had a way about that made you enjoy spending time with him. He was very funny and loved a good prank. He was also the best fisherman that I have ever known. He will be missed!


  • Steven Braud

    February 10, 2022 at 1:56 pm

    My thoughts are with you and your family in these difficult times. Sending you hugs and prayers for your comfort.


  • Jesse and Don Maddox

    February 10, 2022 at 1:51 pm

    Condolences to the family.


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