Eloise Audrey Webb Crowe

Eloise Audrey Webb Crowe
She went to walk in the garden with Jesus early Tuesday morning, June 20, 2023 at her home in Watson, Louisiana. Some people only walk on this earth briefly, we were blessed to have her live to a lovely 95 years old. Eloise was the beloved daughter of James Audrey and Pearl King Webb, also of Watson. She was the wife of the late Rev. Jimmy Crowe, Sr. (2001) and mother of a dear departed son, Jimmy Jr. (2004). Eloise often put flowers on her grandmother’s grave, Hestor Nesom Webb, in the Methodist Cemetery nearby. Hestor had died in childbirth. She had a very caring heart and a wonderful sense of humor. Eloise loved to give small gifts of appreciation, sometimes a special rose from her garden to brighten someone’s day. Most gatherings included a jar of homemade Parsons Pickles. Eloise enjoyed her nickname as “the Pickle Lady”. Her uplifting personality and quick wit were perfect for her volunteer work in the hospital, especially in the ICU.
The oldest of 10, she was used to cooking for a crowd and enjoyed giving parties. Eloise was especially known for her Louisiana Gumbo and on other occasions, a Mexican Fiesta Buffet. She was the best at making Nanna’s Date Nut Roll. She readily shared her extensive collection of recipes and cookbooks. Another favorite holiday gift was the movie Christmas Snow.
Eloise is survived by her daughter, Vickie. They kept each other company and became much closer as they both aged. Vickie was reunited with her birth daughter, which brought a lovely granddaughter into the family. Kathy, husband Jim, sons, Andrew, Josh, and Ryan reside in California. Karen and Jon were excellent Christian parents. Rev. Crowe was given the priveledge of performing the marriage ceremony of Kathy and Jim. The knot was tied tight as they are still married.
It meant so much to Eloise to have her sister, Jean Hidalgo and sister, Gertrude Wagner by her bedside for a recent visit. Eloise felt blessed to have a nurse as a beautiful, caring and knowlegable as Pam. Pam did her best to comfort her in her last days. Eloise told Lillie Belle that she was the gentlest aide. And she was.
Her youngest brother, David Wayne Webb, now lives in Texas. (and not with his X’s). She was preceded in death by brothers Jimmy, Kenneth, Gary, and Harold Webb. Also sisters Sandra Callaway and Jeannette Pickens.
At her age many friends have passed including Lorece Byles, Eleanor Dunn, Janice Smith, and Ralph McIntyre. Close friends Virginia Cartwright, of Nashville, Milda Porter, of Central and Harry Munro, of Melbourne Australia have continued to call frequently and send updating letters. Gloria Carroll, deceased, formed a Widows Group that grew to 30 local ladies. Mom enjoyed the new friends and lunches eating out together once a month. They jokingly called themselves “The Wild Women of Watson”.
Many thanks to our church friends: Garland, Janice, Brenda, Lauren, John Teresa, Eddie, Dean and Vicki have been such a blessing providing much needed support. Andrew Benton, of Elevation Films, prepared a slide show for Eloise.
In lieu of flowers, it is suggested to make a memorial contribution to a church or charity of your choice.
A celebration of a life well lived as a Christion role model of kindness and love will be as follows:
Thursday, June 22, 2023, at Watson Baptist Church, 35831 Cane Market Road, Denham Springs, LA 70706, with visitation from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., service will follow at 11 a.m. by Pastor John Pemberton.
Interment service in the Mausoleum of Forest Lawn Memorial Park, 4000 Monroe Hwy, Ball, LA 71405 will be held Friday, June 23, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. with a prayer by friend, Pete Galliano.
Eloise’s favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Vickie is adding I Corinthians 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has hear, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”