2024ObituariesDavid “Dave” Jonathan Billings

May 16, 2024by SealeUser6

Dave Billings, aged 52, passed away on April 23, 2024. Dave was a graduate of Denham Springs High School and SELU, and he worked in sales. Dave was a member of multiple organizations, including: USTA, USVA, AMA, IMA, SELU Alumni. He enjoyed playing tennis, volleyball, billiards, taking care of his three boxers (Parker, Brewster, Jax), and living life to its fullest potential with his twin brother mike.

Dave is survived by his parents, Ronald and Katherine Billings; brothers, Ronnie Joseph Billings, Marcus Tyrone Billings, Michael Anthony Billings (twin), Christopher Todd Billings.

Dave is preceded in death by his brother, Paul Daniel Billings

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Dave’s caregiver.

The family would like to extend a special thank you to Dave’s family: aunts, uncles and cousins, along with his friends from childhood to adulthood, as well as his caregiver – his twin brother, Mike Billings.

A visitation will be held on Saturday May, 18, 2024 at Central Baptist Church from 10am – 11am with a memorial service to begin at 11am. 17017 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70819




  • Michael Billings

    July 28, 2024 at 5:49 pm

    Thank you so much Aunt Marie. I love you & Uncle Mickey.


  • Michael Billings

    May 20, 2024 at 8:34 pm

    *Tribute from my Facebook page to my twin brother*

    “To know Dave, was to absolutely love and adore him because he made everyone in his presence feel the exact same way. His personality, generosity, kindness and sense of humor made him stand out in a room as well as in life. He absolutely loved making people laugh around him- at his expense, and very often, at mine as well 😊.

    Dave always loved working and staying active. When he was younger, he use to manage a local restaurant, which definitely showcased his talent because all of his employees along with customers just absolutely loved Dave. He always loved & enjoyed working- especially being around people but due to his failing health, it was becoming increasingly more and more difficult for him to work without being in pain due to his mobility issues from his handicap.

    On the night of 1.16.2002, I received a call from the restaurant owner saying that Dave had a seizure and was taken by ambulance to the hospital- I rushed up there to be by his side. He was alert and appeared to be fine but they wanted to run some tests to make sure.

    On 1.17.2002, our 30th birthday while in the hospital, we were both informed that he was diagnosed with brain cancer- it was called Oligodendroglioma, which in his case, was a slow growing tumor. They performed surgery of removing most of the tumor about the size of a lime from the left hemisphere of his brain which left him w permanent paralysis to the right side his body.

    Once Dave left the hospital, he was needing 24/7 supervision & care until he fully recouped from the procedure. Seeing how that I was working at the time with such a full schedule, I was not able to provide Dave the full-time care that he deserved & needed. Dave did not want to stay at the recommended rehabilitation facility because we wouldn’t be able to see each other as much due to logistics. So instead, I reached out to our mom which she emphatically said absolutely yes to taking care of Dave. There’s nothing else in this world that would make my mother more happier than to have one of her sons home to take care of. After bringing Dave home to my parents house, I would visit in the evenings after work and also on the weekends.

    After about 4 weeks under my mother’s care, I was on my way back to my parents house to see Dave. While pulling into my parents driveway, to my surprise, I see mom and Dave both outside while he’s pushing a walker all by himself! After parking my car, I ran up to Dave and gave him a huge hug with tear filled eyes. Dave said, “Surprise! I guess the doctor doesn’t know everything!” Because the doctor doubted that Dave would be able to walk again and if so, it would be, “months of rehabilitation and with some walking aid like a cain”.

    It was a combination of God, our Mother’s love and Dave’s determination to be able to walk again and so quickly. Dave definitely beat the doctor’s odds. From that moment on, I vowed to take care of Dave and his very well-being. I was 100% fully committed because if the situation was reversed, he would do the exact same thing for me without any hesitation. And besides, if my twin isn’t okay, I’m not okay.

    After some years of us living together, I was always concerned about Dave feeling lonely or down on himself because of his condition. He’d expressed to me already that seeing how he has brain cancer, he felt like he was “damaged goods” and that it would be nearly impossible for him to ever find a girl to be in a long term relationship with because of his condition. Although I tried consoling with him by saying otherwise, he did have a valid point and it’s only human nature. People who want to be in longterm relationships are looking for a life partner to spend their lifetime with- together. Dave couldn’t get past that and to be quite honest, neither could I.

    One day- just out of the blue, Dave introduced an idea of us getting a dog- a Boxer pup to be more specific. I could not have thought of a better idea myself! Especially now he has a full-time companion- in hopes of filling that void. Once we got our awesome fawn Boxer pup, we named him Parker and they both were absolutely inseparable! They did everything together and I could not have been more happier!

    About a year of having Parker, Dave introduced the idea of getting another Boxer pup. I was quite hesitant because there’s times when Dave would be walking and would literally trip over Parker due to his handicap. I told Dave to let me think about it and before I could even complete my sentence, he proposed it again but at a different & brilliant angle. He said, “Parker needs a brother- could you imagine us not having each other?” Without hesitation, I said that I could never imagine life without him and that we could get another Boxer pup.

    This conversation was on a Saturday during an LSU football game. Fast forward to two days later while I’m visiting a client, I received a text from Dave- he rarely called or text me while I was at work because he knew how busy I was and would only contact me if it was urgent or very important. It was a picture of 3 Boxer pups and the text read, “which one?” They were all precious especially this one brindle pup that had his head tilted sideways a little (typical of Boxers). I quickly replied, “the one on the left!!” He then replied, “I knew you’d pick that one, Brewster & I on our way back from Mississippi- we’ll be there before you get home”. I had to share what just took place w my client bc he was also a Boxer owner as well- we laughed about what just transpired.

    So now we have two Boxers and they were quite the handful as well as blessings. Little over a year later- in early January, Dave proposed the idea of getting another Boxer but this time, a white Boxer puppy. I told him that I had to think about it because the two that we already had were a little more than he could handle.

    On the evening of January 17th- a Friday as I’m about to head home from the office, I received a txt from Dave telling me not to pick anything up to eat because he grilled steaks for our birthday. He then asked for an eta- I responded, “approx 45 mins”. So I get home and open the front door, Dave greets me with Parker, Brewster, and the most adorable little white Boxer puppy- named Jax and he says, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I got you a puppy!”. How could I get upset at a birthday gift? 😁

    I’m so glad that we got Jax because I absolutely fell in love with that dog and especially because it made Dave happy. One of Dave’s most favorite things to do was to load his dogs up in his Tahoe to either go joy riding or take them to the dog park in Mandeville. If you’d ever see Dave out in his truck, you’d always see him with his dogs who he loved like they were his very own children.

    No matter of the event or situation, Dave would always try to make the best of it. So many different occasions that we would be out eating or hanging out with our friends and someone would ask about his cancer. Although we knew it was from deep sincerity, we would rather not talk about it because naturally, it would change people’s moods and/or feelings. We’d rather make people smile & laugh instead of feeling sorry for us.

    Dave’s courage & determination was immeasurable when it came to anything pertaining to his situation- from the multiple surgeries, shots, injections, blood extractions, chemotherapy, radiation treatments, medicines, etc… he’d always take it like a champ and when asked, he would reply, “do what you gotta do in order to make me better”. Dave was commended and recognized by his neurosurgeon along with multiple oncologists for being the only patient that they’ve ever had or known that lived twenty-two years with his same type of cancer(s). (Including an Astrocytoma tumor which was discovered four years ago in the original brain tumor.)

    For the past twenty-two years, my life evolved around taking care of Dave. For the past four years, it changed to every second that evolved around Dave. If I had it all to do over again in order to take care of him & helping with his situation, I would not hesitate one second to do so. Not one time did Dave ever complain, feel sorry for himself, be negative, or say things like, “why me?”. It was me- I bared his burden, with honor for it was my battle too. I felt angry, sad, guilty, helpless, depressed, and would feel the pain especially from seeing Dave suffer for the past twenty-two years. I tried my best to never let him see me when feeling that way. Although I tried to hide the pain, Dave instinctively knew and felt it, what I was feeling- our twintuition. His display of constant courage, bravery, and positive outlook on life helped me beyond words can describe.

    I was so blessed and fortunate to have Dave as my twin brother. It’s hard to describe it but twins make each other whole and without the other, you feel the hole that is created from that part of you that is no longer there. I know that this short time on Earth is nothing compared to the eternity that we’ll have together to spend again in Heaven with each other. “It’s okay Dave- I’ll be okay. I love and miss you so much” were the very exact words I kept saying to Dave as he was taking his last breaths. I’ll never forget the big tear that ran down his face- as I sensed him passing. As if he was saying goodbye to me without words and I totally understood that. He closed both of his eyes as if he fell back to sleep. It was very peaceful & somewhat beautifully consoling. I realize that Dave fought that battle for the both of us and would not leave because he knew of the pain that it would cause me. Dave’s sacrifice & bravery for the past twenty-two years was absolutely nothing short of being highly respectable & commendable.

    Dave, I cannot wait to see your smile and hear your laughter again in Heaven. Thank you for sharing your soul and life on Earth with me. Until we meet again. Goodbye my precious & brave twin brother- you will be forever loved & missed dearly.”


  • Barbara Cheney

    May 17, 2024 at 11:16 pm

    So very sorry for your loss. He was an exceptional young man in school. Very polite and I never heard him say an unkind word to anyone. Many special memories will help during this time


    • Mike Billings

      August 15, 2024 at 3:49 am

      Thank you very much Ms Cheney.


  • Marie Billings

    May 16, 2024 at 11:44 pm

    Remembering Dave with so much love. May Mike and his family be comforted during this very sad time. Uncle Mickey and Aunt Marie


    • Michael Billings

      July 28, 2024 at 5:49 pm

      Thank you so much Aunt Marie. I love you & Uncle Mickey.


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