Laurann J. Martin
Laurann Julie Martin passed on Sunday, January 12, 2025 at her residence of Golden Age Nursing Home at 27090 LA Hwy 16, Denham Springs, LA 70726. She was a native of Pottsville, PA. She loved going to bible meetings and to Church on Sundays. We all love Laurann dearly and she was our beloved family member that will never be forgotten. She loved going to bible meetings and to church on Sundays. We will all miss her…Rest in God’s arms my loving sister.
She is survived by her sister Francene Quinn, brother-in-law Steven Quinn, son Johnnie Bourgois, granddaughter Alexis Bourgois, 2 great-grandchildren, daughter Maggie Gradwell of Pottsville, PA, 3 great-grandchildren, nephew Ronald Martin with his children, Memori Martin, Reese Martin, Ronnie Martin, Riley Martin, and Nicholas Martin of Denham Springs, nephew Gerald Dixon and wife Chandra, and children Devin Dixon, Skylar Dixon, and her son River Sage. Last but not least, Johnnie Blaze Chambers.
Visitation will be held at 10am to 12pm in the celebration room at Abundant Life Church at 206 Edgewood Dr., Denham Springs, LA 70726 on January 28th with a religious service performed by Tyler LaFauci.