20202021ObituariesMandy Rhea Dake

June 16, 2021by SealeUser10

December 11, 1977 ~ June 13, 2021

Mandy Dake went home to be with her Heavenly Father on June 13, 2021.  She was 43 years old, and a native of Walker.  She is survived by her son, Samson Dake; her son-in-love, Arlo Apollo Phillips; her sister-in-love, Wendy Phillips; her mother, Gin Dake; her sisters and brothers-in-law, Vincent & Sonya Burgo; Dung & Ginger Nguyen; and her 2 nieces and 3 nephews:  Nicholas Burgo, Kamryn Burgo, Owen Burgo, Eli Nguyen and Melia Nguyen.  She is preceded in death by her father, David Glenn Dake.  Services will be held on June 21, 2021 at Seale Funeral Home in Denham Springs.  Visitation will be from 10 a.m. until services at 12 p.m. with burial immediately following conducted by Randy Hall.  Pallbearers will be family and friends: Dung Nguyen, Vincent Burgo, Owen Burgo, Bud Alford, Joey LaGrone and Rusti Bishop.  A reception will be held at the Wholly Ground in Walker following the burial with food and drinks.  Please share your condolences at www.sealefuneral.com.




  • Scott Jordan

    June 22, 2021 at 1:31 am

    Mandy was such a kind hearted and bright person, and always a great hang. When we lived close to each other in Mid City, we spent many afternoons sipping on beers and making each other laugh, and I’ll cherish that forever. She made it impossible not to have fun anytime we did something. Sonya and Ginger, I’m so, so sorry. Please know that you are in my heart and thoughts. I wish I could give you hugs


    • Ginger Nguyen

      July 10, 2021 at 2:11 pm

      Thank you for your kind words. If you have Facebook search for me, Ginger Dake Nguyen, and message me your address so I can send you her program that is filled with pictures throughout her life and a bookmark keepsake.


  • Nancy Riggs

    June 19, 2021 at 9:44 pm

    Mandy , you were one of a kind . I’ve known you over 20 years . We’ve had some great memories . I’m sorry we lost touch and I want there for you through the hard times . I hope your dancing in the sky with your father and everyone else that has left this cruel world . You will be greatly missed by many . May you Rest In Peace now ❤️.


  • Phyllis Davis

    June 18, 2021 at 9:27 pm

    Condolences for the family! So sorry! I’ll remember your family with prayers and my love.


  • Phyllis Davis

    June 18, 2021 at 4:07 pm

    Love and prayers for the family. Condolences to the whole family!


  • Hali Tisha Thomas

    June 18, 2021 at 3:28 pm

    God got a real one today. Without knowing it You were my hope, joy, source of strength, and motivation to keep going through times when the only thing I wanted to do was to give up and quit living for years! You always wanted to see Samson excel play sports and always said you’re family would make sure he was okay. You would go on for hours about how much you loved him and wanted him to make better choices than we did. You would always take a second and nudge me and say look at him Hali, and he’d just be watching tv being cute, she was the most selfless woman alive, she literally set all those she cared about up to be better. She could simply walk in a room and all eyes were on her. Her Charisma would improve your mood just being around her. She had a way to make ppl laugh that made them feel like they were the only person in the world. Her heart had no boundaries. Live had no limit. She hd the greatest capacity for love and forgiveness of anyone I have ever met. The love I have for Mandy and God are the reason my life is changed for the best.
    And I won’t stop now. And honey this time I won’t break this promise.

    I will always LOVE you and Samson more than anyone could understand. Praying strength for your family!!!!!!!


    • Tisha

      June 18, 2021 at 3:33 pm

      Now her legend lives in in Samson Blue and Apollo 🙂 They already made her a happy momma. Please for the love of God everyone pray over these babies that they grow into the sweet hearted good men their mama wants them to be.


  • Tiger trahan

    June 17, 2021 at 3:59 pm

    Mandy you be very much miss .We became such special friends in a short time.i love the sight the talk the wakes we had .you be forever miss in my hart and sold thing was starting to look up fir you.wish I could 9f seen you one more time and said how much you meant to me .you know every time we were together I told you how sweet and beautiful you were fly high with the angels my angel love you Mandy forever your very sweet and special friend tiger tiger


  • Tiger trahan

    June 17, 2021 at 3:37 pm

    Mandy dake you came into my life this year.WE BECAME SUCH GREAT FRIENDS IN SUCH SHORT TIME.YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HART AND LIFE.OUR TIME WAS SHORT BUT very fun together our talks our walks


  • Evans Pamelia

    June 16, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    Mandy, you left the boys and me with such sweet memories. Years ago your mom and I would sit on the porch and watch our children play. It’s seems we always got around to your beautiful legs and how strong you were. We hope you are running with the angels. All our love Pam, Andy, Joshua and Josef


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