20202021ObituariesSandra Gonzales Arnold

August 19, 2021by SealeUser2

August 28, 1963 ~ August 17, 2021


Sandra Gonzales Arnold, 57, passed away on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. She was a resident of Baton Rouge. She is survived by the Ramos family, son, Adam, son in law, Zach Badeaux, daughters: Alessandra, and Serena, grandchildren: Camden and Hadleigh Jane, sisters: Pammy Rodriguez, Ana Gonzales, Linda Martinez, Dora Piskor. She was preceded in death by her parents: Jane Gonzales, Joe Esparza, Frank Ramos. She loved her grandbabies and loved spending time them and her family. Her hobbies included: drawing, gardening, journaling, photography, and an avid collector. She will be missed by all who knew her. Private memorial services will be held at a later date. 




  • Ana Alitxy Gonzalez

    August 30, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    My sister Sandra Lynn
    Words cannot even express. How much I loved her,and she loved me . We were together as. Little girls we shared our deepest thoughts growing up . She was always there for me and encouraged me , she talked bout how much the Lord had done for her and she was so grateful to him . I give thanks to my Lord Jesus Christ that he has her.
    Until then my sister Sandra
    We shall be together again in spirit .

    Love you.


  • Erlinda Martinez

    August 20, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    My dearest sister Sandra was a loving and caring person she loved dearly her 3 beautiful children and grand babies. And her family she would do anything in the world for them she will deeply be missed. We love Sis


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