2021ObituariesCharles Randolph “Randy” Doyle

September 29, 2021by SealeUser2

“Randy” Charles Randolph Doyle, 65, of Greensburg, passed away on September 26th, 2021 surrounded by loved ones. Randy was born on May 24th 1956 to Sylvia Jeanette and Charles Edward Doyle in the city of Clinton, Louisiana . Randy was passionate about fishing, hunting, cooking as well as making people laugh. Randy has 2 kids  Megan Nicole Doyle(daughter) and Maria Daniela Manuel (stepdaughter) with  his ex- wife Beatriz Doyle and has 3 step-grandchildren, Colt M. Manuel, Camila G. Manuel and Case A. Manuel. Randy was predeceased by Charles Edward Doyle (father), Michael Doyle (brother). He is survived by Sylvia Jeanette Pace (mother-remarried), Dale Doyle (brother), Jimmy Doyle (brother), Cynthia Doyle (sister), Thomas Pace (brother), Megan N Doyle (daughter), Maria D Manuel (stepdaughter)  other family members including nephews, nieces, cousins,  aunts, etc. Services will be held at Seale Funeral Home located at 1720 S Range Ave, Denham Springs, LA 70726 on October 9th, at  10 am.




  • Doris Romero

    October 8, 2021 at 12:35 am

    Para mi fuistes otro hijo y como tal asi te recordaremos, como otro integrante de la familia. Gracias a ti por llegar a la vida de Beatriz y unirter con ella en matrimonio.
    Tu y Beatriz se vinieron con mis nietas, Maria Daniela y Megan Nicole dejando un gran vacio en nuestra familia en Venezuela. Disfrustamos unos buenos momentos contigo que no los olvidare, especialmente los domingos cuando despues de tu cervezitas te tomabas tu sopa que decias te hacia bien.
    Hoy ya no estas fisicamente con nosotros Dios asi lo quizo. Partistes, pero yo se que donde te encuentres estaras descansando en paz.

    Te recordaremos siempre.

    Tu mami, Doris. ***


    For me, you were another son, and my family and I will always remember you, as another family member. Thank you for coming into my daughter’s life, Beatriz, and married her. It was sad when you, Beatriz, and my granddaughters, Maria Daniela and Megan Nicole, moved back to the USA. That transition caused sadness to our family, but now I know it was for the better.
    Today you are no longer with us, God decided it that way. You left but I know for sure that from wherever you are, you are resting in peace.

    We will always remember you.

    Your mami, Doris.



    September 29, 2021 at 1:11 pm

    So sorry for your loss. I remember going to elementary school with Randy in Greensburg and going to his house as his Mom and Dad before he passed was a good friend of my parents.


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1720 S. Range Ave.
Denham Springs, Louisiana 70726
(225) 664-4143


20335 Texas St.
Livingston, Louisiana 70786
(225) 686-7221

