2021ObituariesLeah Jonnette Trammell

June 4, 2021by SealeUser5
flowers is vase

September 26, 1974 – April 2, 2021

Leah Jonnette Wertz Trammell, September 26, 1974 – April 2, 2021. Leah was bright and beautiful, loving and giving, and traveled just a bit off the beaten path. Leah was born with a 6th gear that let her mind move at a speed most of us will never experience and find hard to comprehend. But then, at times, the gears would lock up, and she wouldn’t go at all. When she was young, I didn’t understand. At 18 we learned she had bi-polar disorder. She struggled with life choices because of her illness. She ran from it, tried to drown it, but eventually made peace with it and learned to manage it to a degree with medication; even learning when she needed to seek extra help and checking herself in at St. Ann’s. (God bless them.) Leah was a fighter. It took her 3 years to get her GED, but she kept at it until she succeeded. The same with her cosmetology degree and later her AA degree with honors from Baton Rouge Community College, where she was recognized as the Alumni of the Year. After graduating she committed herself to aiding in the fight to end human trafficking as a research analyst and an all-around helper for Trafficking Hope. She became so well-versed in the legal issues, facts and statistics that she was asked to speak before various groups and governmental entities. She also helped with the annual gala in several ways. She went at it full bore for a few years, until the gears locked up. And then the cancer hit.

From her youngest years, Leah had a love for the Lord. Yes, she had struggles because of her illness, but she always came home to the source of Life and Love, and the Hope that was the anchor of her soul, Jesus. Leah was not a pew-sitter. She served on the Host team for Healing Place Church, Baton Rouge, and later Denham Springs. When volunteers were needed, she was there, unless those gears were locked up again.

Our much beloved Leah was called home peacefully in her sleep by her heavenly Father on Good Friday, the day our Lord and Savior gave His life so we could have eternal life even as He rose again three days later and will come again.

Leah is survived by her mother Colleen Noel Wertz Rio; father John Howell; children P. Chandler Givler and Kayla Trammell; grandchildren Sawyer, Beckett, Levi, and Analia; uncles Douglas Wertz and Sherman Levey; aunts Carole Levey, Gwen Wertz, Gael Sandoval, and Monica Wertz; first cousins, Marcie Morin and Madeleine Click, and many other cousins.

A private interment for immediate family was held at the Seale Funeral Home, Denham Springs, LA. A memorial service will be held June 11, 2021, at Healing Place Church-Denham Springs from 10:30 – 11:30. A reception will follow from 11:30 – 1:30.




  • Leah LeBlanc Rowell

    June 10, 2021 at 11:04 am

    What a beautiful tribute to Leah. I’m so blessed to have had her in my life. I loved her as my sister and she left an indelible mark on my heart.. I’m praying for you guys. Love you. Hugs


  • Erin Hurt

    June 9, 2021 at 10:54 pm

    Love this. Very beautifully written. She is missed so much. Rest In Peace sweet friend.


  • Amy Givler

    June 7, 2021 at 11:34 pm

    Thank you for putting into words her lovely life.


  • Don Givler

    June 7, 2021 at 12:34 pm

    Such a beautiful tribute to Leah.


    • Lisa Pidccok

      June 8, 2021 at 10:38 am

      A wonderfully knit tribute to Leah, your valuable and precious daughter!


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